Date Public Conveners Programme Committee/
Copernicus Meetings
11–24 Jun 2024 Call-for-skeleton-programme
01 Jul–09 Sep 2024 Public call-for-session-proposals (incl. short courses, US, GDB)
10 Sep–01 Oct 2024 Request for cooperation between programme groups and iteration in acceptance of cooperation requests through tool session programme finalization
10 Sep–09 Oct 2024 Session programme finalization
09 Oct 2024 Fall PC meeting
23 Oct 2024 Start of call-for-abstracts and support application
15 Nov 2024 Start of exhibition booking
23 Nov 2024 Start of townhall and non-commercial splinter meeting requests
02 Dec 2024, 13:00 CET Deadline for support applications
03–12 Dec 2024 Support application assignment & rating
13–27 Dec 2024 Support application ranking
28 Dec 2024–09 Jan 2025 Support application selection by committee
10 Jan 2025 Outcome of support selection Outcome of support selection
15 Jan 2025, 13:00 CET Deadline for receipt of abstracts (also MAL)
16 Jan 2025 Notification to authors of withdrawn sessions to select a new session Small session withdrawal
16–22 Jan 2025 Reassigning abstract to new session after small session withdrawal
17–21 Jan 2025, 13:00 CET Late abstracts submitted through conveners
17–28 Jan 2025 SOI – Abstract management and session merging (upload of late abstracts, also MAL)
17–30 Jan 2025 SOII – Session tagging (expected # of participants, back-to-back, no overlap)
17–31 Jan 2025 PCI – Session implementation (session merging and session organization not finalized by conveners)
22 Jan 2025 Deadline for townhall meeting requests Deadline for NET bookings Deadline for DM and MAL bookings
23–24 Jan 2025 Time/room assignment meeting
01–19 Feb 2025 PCII – Scheduling
18–19 Feb 2025 PC meeting
21 Feb 2025 Letter of acceptance
24 Feb 2025 Letter of rejection
24 Feb–05 Mar 2025 SOIII – Presentation selection (oral/poster selections, finalizing session draft programmes)
24 Feb–10 Mar 2025 PCIII – Presentation selection (finalizing session programmes & special lectures' programme)
14 Mar 2025 Letter of schedule Uploading meeting programme on web
17 Mar 2025 Child care request opens
17 Mar 2025 Commercial splinter meeting request opens
31 Mar 2025, 13:00 CET Deadline for Letter of invitation requests
31 Mar 2025, 13:00 CET Deadline for registering on reduced early rates and option for name badge pre-delivery
from abstract submission start – 21 Mar 2025 OSPP participation & eligibility
01 Apr–16 May 2025 OSPP nominator tool
01 Apr–31 May 2025 OSPP coordinator tool OSPP coordinator tool
25 Mar–31 May 2025 Presentation file and supplementary material upload
23 Apr 2025 Deadline for splinter meeting requests
27 April–02 May 2025 European Geosciences Union – General Assembly
28 Apr–16 May 2025 OSPP judging
17–31 May 2025 OSPP award selection (coordinator tool)
PC/Copernicus: Call-for-skeleton-programme
Public: Public call-for-session-proposals (incl. short courses, US, GDB)
PC/Copernicus: Request for cooperation between programme groups and iteration in acceptance of cooperation requests through tool session programme finalization
PC/Copernicus: Session programme finalization
PC/Copernicus: Fall PC meeting
23 Oct 2024
Public: Start of call-for-abstracts and support application
15 Nov 2024
Public: Start of exhibition booking
23 Nov 2024
Public: Start of townhall and non-commercial splinter meeting requests
Public: Deadline for support applications
Conveners: Support application assignment & rating
PC/Copernicus: Support application ranking
PC/Copernicus: Support application selection by committee
10 Jan 2025
Public: Outcome of support selection
Conveners: Outcome of support selection
Public: Deadline for receipt of abstracts (also MAL)
16 Jan 2025
Public: Notification to authors of withdrawn sessions to select a new session
PC/Copernicus: Small session withdrawal
16–22 Jan 2025
Public: Reassigning abstract to new session after small session withdrawal
17–21 Jan 2025, 13:00 CET
Public: Late abstracts submitted through conveners
17–28 Jan 2025
Conveners: SOI – Abstract management and session merging (upload of late abstracts, also MAL)
Conveners: SOII – Session tagging (expected # of participants, back-to-back, no overlap)
PC/Copernicus: PCI – Session implementation (session merging and session organization not finalized by conveners)
22 Jan 2025
Public: Deadline for townhall meeting requests
Conveners: Deadline for NET bookings
PC/Copernicus: Deadline for DM and MAL bookings
23–24 Jan 2025
PC/Copernicus: Time/room assignment meeting
PC/Copernicus: PCII – Scheduling
PC/Copernicus: PC meeting
21 Feb 2025
Public: Letter of acceptance
24 Feb 2025
Public: Letter of rejection
Conveners: SOIII – Presentation selection (oral/poster selections, finalizing session draft programmes)
PC/Copernicus: PCIII – Presentation selection (finalizing session programmes & special lectures' programme)
14 Mar 2025
Public: Letter of schedule
PC/Copernicus: Uploading meeting programme on web
17 Mar 2025
Public: Child care request opens
17 Mar 2025
Public: Commercial splinter meeting request opens
31 Mar 2025, 13:00 CET
Public: Deadline for Letter of invitation requests
31 Mar 2025, 13:00 CET
Public: Deadline for registering on reduced early rates and option for name badge pre-delivery
from abstract submission start – 21 Mar 2025
Public: OSPP participation & eligibility
01 Apr–16 May 2025
Public: OSPP nominator tool
01 Apr–31 May 2025
Conveners: OSPP coordinator tool
PC/Copernicus: OSPP coordinator tool
25 Mar–31 May 2025
Public: Presentation file and supplementary material upload
23 Apr 2025
Public: Deadline for splinter meeting requests
Public: European Geosciences Union – General Assembly
28 Apr–16 May 2025
Public: OSPP judging
17–31 May 2025
Public: OSPP award selection (coordinator tool)