Structure of the Programme Committee
The EGU Programme Committee (PC) has the following members:
- EGU PC Co-chairs;
- EGU President, EGU Vice-President, EGU General Secretary, EGU Treasurer, EGU Executive Secretary, EGU Events Manager;
- Copernicus Meetings Conference Managers;
- Programme Group (PG) chairs;
- PC Officers and Coordinators.
Each Programme Group (PG) includes the following:
- PG Chair;
- PG science officers;
- PG conveners, authors, and participants.
The PC Co-chairs oversee the entire General Assembly programme and chair meetings of the Programme Committee, where key decisions are taken. Each Programme Group chair is responsible for the organization of their respective PG's programme at the General Assembly.
All Programme Committee members must comply with the EGU General Assembly rules of conduct.
This page contains information to help members of the EGU Programme Committee during the various stages of building the programme for the General Assembly. These stages follow the timing outlined in the deadline and milestones table.
Skeleton programme
The call-for-skeleton programme opens in June for PG Chairs. It is available via the Copernicus Office dashboard for PC members called "PC Overview", and the corresponding access link is provided by email. In this phase, PG Chairs are asked to define their sub-Programme Groups and the sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers.
Public call-for-session-proposals
The public is invited to suggest sessions they would like to organize during the General Assembly. Guidelines for session proposal can be found in the convener guidelines and rules. PC members are invited to read them carefully.
In addition, we note the following:
- Session title and description: when submitting a session proposal, conveners provide a session title, a short and a long description, and a list of co-conveners. At this stage, only the title and the short description are visible on the conference website. However, PC members can see these information completely by logging in to the provisional programme.
- Session modification: conveners are only able to change the title and description of their sessions during the call-for-session-proposals and later during the Session Organization stages (tools SOI and SOII). If there is an urgent need for change outside these phases, conveners must directly ask their PG Chair or science officers to implement the requested changes. This can be done using the PC Overview tool.
- Cooperation between PGs: conveners can suggest other PGs for session co-organization. The PG Chair follows up on these suggestions through the session programme finalization tool once the public call-for-session-proposals is closed.
- Session co-sponsoring: conveners can suggest co-sponsoring of their session by colleague scientific organizations. The colleague organization should have been informed by conveners and/or have approved the co-sponsorship prior to session proposal submission. The PG Chair is responsible for following up on these suggestions during the session programme finalization.
Session programme finalization
After the public call-for-session-proposals, PG Chairs and science officers are asked to finalize the session programme for their Programme Group, before the public call-for-abstracts starts. Please pay specific attention to the following:
- Finalization: once their programme is ready, the recommendation for PG Chairs is not to press "finalize" until the autumn PC meeting, when all Programme Groups are finalized together. After session programme finalization, further changes can only be implemented by Copernicus Meetings.
- Permissions: science officers serving as sub-Programme Group chairs can only see and modify sessions and session proposals of their sub-Programme Group(s) and adjust the respective sequence in the programme. The entire list of sessions and session proposals of all sub-Programme Groups is only available for PG Chairs.
When implementing sessions, the following applies:
- Accepting session proposals: PG Chairs and officers should carefully read the session descriptions and decide whether they accept the sessions proposed to their Programme Group or sub-Programme Group. Session descriptions can be adjusted, and similar sessions can be merged during this phase (see below).
- Ordering of sessions: sessions can be moved to any position within the programme, including categorization into sub-Programme Groups. This is simply done by drag-and-drop. The position in the sequence of sessions will set the session numbering.
- Session numbering: session numbering is done automatically upon finalization of the programme. Each session is assigned a number, which is based on (a) the affiliation of the session to a sub-Programme Group, and (b) the sequence of sessions within the sub-Programme Group. Thereby, the session number contains a running number within the sub-Programme Group of the leading PG (e.g. BG6.4, for a session in the sub-Programme Group BG6 of the leading Programme Group BG). This applies also to ITS sessions and their related Programme Groups (e.g. ITS3.6/NH2.3).
- New sessions: PG Chairs and officers can upload new sessions if they think it is necessary, for instance, to fill thematic gaps in their session programme that are not already covered by the public session proposals.
- Conveners rules and team diversity: conveners should follow the conveners guidelines and rules. If rules are violated, the system will not allow the finalization of the programme. We also recommend to check conveners team diversity, as specified in the guidelines.
- Session similarity: if similarity is found for two or more sessions in a significant number of keywords or parts of their title and description, these sessions are flagged and listed for potential merger. Session mergers are possible within and between PGs. It is strongly encouraged to build a programme with sessions that are distinct and/or complementary. The presence of too similar sessions can be confusing for authors when submitting their abstracts.
- Implementation of co-organization: if two or more PGs have a significant and active interest in the topics of a session, this session can be displayed as organized by a leading PG and co-organized by the other related PGs. It is implied that conveners with a link to the different PGs are involved in the session. Session co-organization is initiated by conveners, who suggest co-organizations when submitting their session proposal to the programme of a leading PG. The PG Chair of the leading PG decides on sending the co-organization requests to the other PG Chairs, who ultimately decide on the outcome of the requests. In the case of acceptance, the session is listed in the programmes of the PGs involved in the co-organization. The leading PG remains responsible for all organisation issues related to the session.
- Implementation of co-sponsoring by colleague organizations: conveners can suggest co-sponsoring when submitting a session proposal. The final decision lies with the PG Chair. We recommend they check with conveners the following: (i) co-sponsoring is reciprocal, involving sessions organized in co-sponsorship at meetings of both organizations; (ii) the session has conveners from both organizations; (iii) the colleague organization agrees to session co-sponsoring; and (iv) the session co-sponsoring does not imply funding. A co-sponsoring organization should not influence the work of the conveners or the content of the session.
- Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions (ITS): session proposals related to the topics of one or more PGs and with a truly inter- and/or transdisciplinary scope might have been suggested to the ITS programme, and need attention from the related PG Chairs (read carefully the ITS guidelines). ITS sessions are organized by the ITS PG Chair, in agreement with a disciplinary associated leading PG. Co-organization with one or more PGs is also possible. The eligibility of an ITS session proposal is evaluated by both the ITS chair and the associated leading PG Chair before its implementation in the programme. If both parties deny the eligibility of the proposal for the ITS programme, the session proposal is moved to the leading PG for further handling (i.e., implementation as a PG session, rejection of the proposal, or merger with another similar session already proposed in the PG). If the ITS chair and the leading PG Chair disagree on the eligibility of the proposal, they must refer to the Programme Committee Co-chairs for a final decision.